
Thought Leadership

Our impactful approach is driven by our unique perspective.

Kenneth Holley Kenneth Holley

Bridging Trust, Confidence, and Security Amid Polarization

The findings of the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer resonate deeply in a world characterized by increasing polarization and discord. Forces like economic disparity, political fragmentation, and information echo chambers have driven deep wedges between societal segments. Trust, a fragile bond holding societies together, is under assault, eroding faith in institutions and the prospect of a cohesive future.

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Kenneth Holley Kenneth Holley

The Foundation of Cybersecurity Confidence: Beyond Protection of Purpose

In our digitally connected world, cybersecurity is evolving beyond technical controls alone into a strategic function underpinned by confidence – the steadfast belief that an organization's assets, data, reputation and purpose are protected despite ever-present threats. While advanced security technologies are essential, true confidence requires leaders have visibility into their effectiveness and risk literacy to make informed decisions. With knowledge and insight, organizations can navigate the digital realm with assurance that their security strategies enable rather than hinder their core mission.

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